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1 :םויה תוסינכ
50 :שדוחה תוסינכ
10 :ןיילנוא םישלוג
רחא PHP CGI ASP JavaScript Cold Fusion JSP

CGIב םיטפירקס

1 הבינג אלל
עודי אל :רבחמה םש
http://www.onlylist.com :תיב-רתא

:טפירקסה תא וב םימש ונאש טסקטה ץבוקל אורקל שי

:בותכש הפיא
# Change this to your domain name, e.g.
# www.onlylist.com would just be onlylist.
$ IPorDom="onlylist";

ה תא תונשל שי
ךלש רתאה םשל
:אוה רתאה םא אמגודל


# Noleech CGI Script #
# Provided by http://www.onlylist.com #


# Change this if you changed the name
# of the .txt file containing your links.
$datafile = "noleech.txt";

# Change this to your domain name, e.g.
# www.onlylist.com would just be onlylist.

# Nothing needs to be edited below #

$red =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ( "$red" eq "$IPorDom") {
$amount = @input; #Total Number of lines in file
$g = 0; #Line Num
while ($g <= $amount) {
@info = split("::", $input[$g]);
if ($info[0] =~ $name) {
print "Location: $info[1]\n\n";




print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print " <title>Error</title>
<body bgcolor=#000000 text=#ffffff link=#0000ff>
<center><font face=verdana size=7><B><i>Error</i></font><br><table width=600 border=0 bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2>
<tr><td><font face=verdana><b>If you were trying to download a file and arrived at this page instead then there is either a problem with the server right now or the <a href=$leechsite>Website</a> that you came from is trying to leech from <a href=http://www.onlylist.com target=_top>Only List</a>. If you did come from Only List then I suggest you click <a href=http://www.onlylist.com target=_top>Here</a> and the download should work.</td></tr></table><p align=center><font face=verdana size=2><b>
<a href=http://www.onlylist.com target=_top>Only list</a> 1999-2000 © All rights reserved.</b></p> ";

#do not remove the EOT its what ends the html printout.



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